I do not believe God allows things to happen arbitrarily. He knew this pandemic would happen and disrupt our old normal way of doing church. Instead of trying to go back to the “former glory” or mourning its loss like the repatriated Israelites, we should recognize that we are moving from one kind of glory to another. God has something greater in mind.
And Now a Word From Some of Our Volunteers!
Editor’s Note: In this issue, you’ll be hearing from one volunteer leader and two summer interns. We hope their stories encourage you and give you a little insight into the hearts of some of our volunteers here at Outpost. From David G. I came to Outpost knowing I needed help…
Encounter, Community, and Perseverance
I first came to Outpost as the volunteer Media Director years ago. I recently went back through some of the video footage that I shot in those early days. It brought me tears. It was so unexpected, but I was confronted with literal evidence of dear brothers and sisters who…
Small Groups and the Impact of Community: A Living Waters Testimony
A new Living Waters group begins October 3rd at Outpost Ministries. Living Waters is a 21-week Christ-centered program for those seeking healing and freedom from sexual abuse, sexual addiction, unforgiveness, fear, shame, insecurity, unwanted same-sex attractions and other relational brokenness. While that is a good high-level overview, the best way…
Voices Q & A: Leaving and Grieving
Q: What does the mourning process of leaving a gay lifestyle/identity look like? How can the Body of Christ help someone going through this process? A: The process looks different for everyone because we all have our own stories. I personally had to mourn the loss of my friends and…