Dear Friends,
Once again, the Christmas season is upon us, and so I take pen in hand to bring you words of holiday cheer. It is still early enough, however, that I find myself struggling to work up my “Christmas Spirit.” The cares of the world, friends, and family weigh heavily, and fatigue seems to be my constant companion.
When I find myself in moments like that, I have learned—after many years of frustration—that my best option is asking others for help. Thus, I asked staff to brainstorm ideas and design a card front for us. The verse that rose to the top was Matthew 28:2. “But wait,” you are thinking, “that’s a verse about Jesus’ resurrection, not Jesus’ birth!” And you are correct. And yet, I think it fits, especially this year.
The reality is, when we celebrate Christmas, we are always looking ahead to the Passion and Resurrection. We have no need or desire to celebrate Christ’s birth, except that He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29 NIV). We rejoice in the mystery of the Incarnation because of the awesome truth of Jesus’ work in His death and resurrection. We are redeemed from sin, restored to right relationship with God, and reborn as a new creation.
How exciting it is that Jesus came an embodied baby and grew into a man in order to redeem us completely: body, soul, and spirit. Jesus understands us, not just as our creator, but through the shared experience of embodied life. Just as the angel moved the stone away to reveal the astonishing redemptive work of God, the incarnate Jesus reveals the astonishing character and heart of God. And what wondrous truths are revealed! The almighty Creator and Sustainer of the universe loves us and desires to be known by us and to walk with us through this life. As we walk with God, our lives are transformed more and more to look like Jesus’ life through the work of the Holy Spirit within us. This is the truth of our new identity, the truth of our calling, and the truth that we proclaim here every day at Outpost-TCJHOP.
This Christmas, may you experience anew the reality that God’s heart is for you. May you understand more of how Jesus’ body and life make him our ideal high priest and perfect redeemer. And may you encounter the presence of the Spirit that brings new life to us all. Merry Christmas!