Dear friends, When I first joined Outpost at the start of 2019, I was broken and despairing. I had already resigned myself to a life of being crushed by my unwanted same-sex romantic/erotic attractions. I felt like my struggle was super unique and that no one could really understand what…
Until Christ is Formed
Dear Friends, One of the exciting events of this summer was Joshua Fellowship holding its Summer Intensive. In mid-August, Joshua Fellowship wrapped up the Intensive with its Capstone Retreat. I am so grateful for our volunteer leaders Jon and Jeremy who led us through the weekend’s activities, as well as…
The Tangible Hope of the Gospel
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to…
The “Why” for Every Sexual Question
Dr. Juli Slattery is a keynote speaker at the Restored Hope Network conference, HOPE2019, hosted by Outpost. Dr. Slattery’s newest book, Rethinking Sexuality, is one of Outpost’s leading resources to give people a foundation in Biblical Sexuality. Here’s a taste of what you might expect at HOPE2019. When children reach the…
Rock Bottom, Persistent Love
My story is not a simple “coming to Jesus” story. It’s been a long, hard journey, full of ups and downs, messy relationships, and many rock bottoms. But Jesus faithfully pursued me and reached out to me in every twist and turn I took, in each rock bottom I hit.…
Linda’s Story: Tranformation of a Transgender
From my earliest memory I wanted to be a boy instead of a girl. Somehow I just knew that if I had male genitalia, my life would be complete. As a child, I prayed repeatedly for God to make me into a boy and became obsessed with my pursuit. However,…
Gender, Confusion, and Conversation, Part 2
YOU are an image-bearer. Have you ever paused to consider this weighty theological truth? Men and women have been given the most profound honor in all of creation: we are created to bear the image of God. We bear God’s image—who He is and how He interacts with the world—in…
Gender, Confusion, and Conversation, Part 1
My first memories of being taught about gender and gender roles are from early elementary school. It was the 1970’s, and Marlo Thomas and friends had released a record album and TV special, Free to Be You and Me. The messages of the songs and skits were designed intentionally to…