Q: What does the mourning process of leaving a gay lifestyle/identity look like? How can the Body of Christ help someone going through this process? A: The process looks different for everyone because we all have our own stories. I personally had to mourn the loss of my friends and…
Outlawing Gender Integration in California
We have been keeping a close eye on a particular bill that is quickly being pushed through the California legislature this week. The ministry of Outpost has never been about political activism. We have always focused our energies into helping people walk in obedience to God and to their sincerely-held religious…
Voices: Above the Noise
The loudest voice always wins, right? At least that seems to be the reality of my three young children at home. Whomever talks the longest and the loudest, drowning out the others, engages the attention of Mom or Dad. It’s like a verbal game of dog pile. It makes for…
I’m Invited to a Same-Sex Wedding. Yes or No?
Let each be fully persuaded in his own mind. —Romans 13:5 There’s an ongoing buzz in the Christian community over whether or not believers should attend same-sex weddings. As buzz goes, this one’s awfully relevant, as more of us are facing this dilemma. Do I accept the invitation, even though I don’t believe…
God’s Good Design Conference
Join us for God’s Good Design Conference in Mankato, MN featuring Distinctions, training designed to empower the local church to form an educated, biblical, and compassionate response to gender and sexual confusion, and Walt Heyer, a former transgender with a powerful testimony of redemption and a passion for others who regret…
Gender, Confusion, and Conversation Part 3
So far in this discussion, we have laid a foundation for understanding biblical gender and God’s creative intent for men and women as His image-bearers. We have pinpointed the confusing messages the world proclaims about gender and sexuality and presented the contrasting truth of God’s design. We have also given…
Loving Your (LGBTQ) Neighbor as Yourself
I am often asked at speaking engagements how to share the gospel with the LGBTQ community. My answer: the same way you would share with anyone else. One of the best ways to win souls in the LGBTQ community is to first build relationship with them and then pray for…
Gender, Confusion, and Conversation, Part 2
YOU are an image-bearer. Have you ever paused to consider this weighty theological truth? Men and women have been given the most profound honor in all of creation: we are created to bear the image of God. We bear God’s image—who He is and how He interacts with the world—in…
Turning Hearts
Elijah Company is Outpost’s prayer and support group for parents, family and friends of loved ones who are overcoming unwanted same-sex attractions, struggling with gender confusion or who identify as LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning). A former staff member began the group in 2013 when he noticed a great…
Declaring “Very Good”
Recently, I led of team of eight people from Outpost to Minot, ND to present our newly assembled Distinctions Conference. The conference trains people in an understanding of God’s image and how to stand for the truth of biblical gender in our culture. It was a huge success! In prepping…