This article first appeared in Outpost News, March 2021. Current meeting information is available here. Elijah Company is a prayer and support group for parents and friends that have loved ones who identify as LGBTQ. Why is it called Elijah Company? The name come from the last verses of the…
An Introduction From The Interim Director
What a bittersweet situation to find myself writing as the Interim Director. As Nate’s friend, I am excited for this new season of life. Organizationally, however, this is a sad farewell. Nate has been a force for innovation and strength at Outpost, and his legacy will be something we carry…
Gender, Confusion, and Conversation Part 3
So far in this discussion, we have laid a foundation for understanding biblical gender and God’s creative intent for men and women as His image-bearers. We have pinpointed the confusing messages the world proclaims about gender and sexuality and presented the contrasting truth of God’s design. We have also given…
Turning Hearts
Elijah Company is Outpost’s prayer and support group for parents, family and friends of loved ones who are overcoming unwanted same-sex attractions, struggling with gender confusion or who identify as LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning). A former staff member began the group in 2013 when he noticed a great…